Strip Grazing Calculator
Strip Grazing is often used for short-term grazing across a large field or when stockpiled forage is grazed during winter. This calculator estimates the strip size of forage needed for a given size herd. It also estimates the number of grazing days from a pasture or paddock based on given forage availability. Field size, field width (feet), and forage height with forage density are needed.
This application was developed by the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service (CES) to assist public users. This application uses data derived from other sources and does not guarantee the accuracy of that data. Sale of this application or use of it for purposes other than its intended use is strictly prohibited. Information put forth by this application is intended to be used in conjunction with close consultation with the appropriate Extension professional. The CES is not liable for damages resulting from recommendations made by this application and is not a substitute for prudent judgment. Information and calculated values provided through this application may not consider all possible details available for a given situation and should only be used as a guide. CES does not warrant or guarantee the performance of this application nor the service offered. User’s utilize this information at their own risk.